Dr. Debbie's mission in 2022 was to lead locally and statewide for mental health empowerment. She had the opportunity to speak and serve at 22 events focused on mental wellness, soul care, and families healing in diverse communities. She is grateful to God for each opportunity to make a difference and spread awareness of mental health. Learn more about each event highlighted below and if you are interested in partnering with Dr. Debbie for 2023, message her today:

February 1, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Teen Techniques for Mental Health”, Inlet Grove High School
February 11, 2022- Guest Lecturer, “Cultural Humility in Family Therapy”, Nova Southeastern University Doctor of Marriage & Family Therapy Faulty Retreat
February 22, 2022- Panelist, “The Perception of Mental Health in the Black Community”, Palm Beach State College
February 25, 2022- Trainer, “Cultural Humility in Family Therapy”, Florida Family Therapy Alliance Statewide Training (FAIMH)
March 31, 2022- Guest Panelist, “Financial Opportunities for HBCU Students & Practitioners”, Diversity Inclusion Showcase: SAMHSA Region VI, HBCU C.A.R.E.S, Partnerships for Equity, African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence
April 29, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Get your Green for Mental Health on Kick Off Event”, Palm Beach County
May 14, 2022- Guest Lecturer/Presenter, “Infant Mental health: Mindful Movement & the Body Center”, EMPOWER 22 Conference, Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
May 14, 2022- Guest Lecturer Presenter, “Cultural Humility, Healing, & Responsiveness”, EMPOWER 22 Conference, Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
May 23, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Maternal Mental Health”, YouMoms
May 24, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Calling vs. Career”, Sheree Davis Cunningham Black Women Lawyers Association
May 31, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Listening with Compassion: Narrative Map for Practice & Supervision”, FAIMH Statewide training
June 9, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Mental Health in College”, Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Equity Institute Palm Beach State College
June 15, 2022- Panelist, “Celebrate Diverse Babies Week”, FAIMH
June 16, 2022- Guest Speaker, “Careers in Mental Health”, Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Equity Institute Palm Beach State College
July 29, 2022- Guest Lecturer for Staff Retreat, “Our Inner Work: Cultivating Cultural Humility”, Center for Child Counseling
August 27, 2022- Keynote Speaker, “Pathways to Hope” Conference, NAMI Palm Beach County
September 17, 2022- State Presenter, “Hot Topics in Psychiatry” Plenary, NAMI Florida State Conference, Orlando, FL
October 29, 2022- Coordinator & Host, "Mental Health & the Church" Conference, Palm Beach Atlantic University
November 17, 2022- Host, "Help the Helpers Podcast: Anxiety & Depression in Medical Professionals", BeWellPBC Episode 1 – Anxiety & Depression In Medical Professionals - Helping The Helpers (helpingthehelperspodcast.com)
December 1, 2022- Host, " Help the Helpers Podcast: Prescription for a Refresh and Reboot during the Pandemic with a focus on Self-Care", BeWellPBC Episode 2 – Prescription For Refresh and Reboot During A Pandemic With A Focus On Self-Care - Helping The Helpers (helpingthehelperspodcast.com)
December 15, 2022- Guest, "Helping the Helpers Podcast: Admitting You're not Okay- Compassion Fatigue", BeWellPBC Episode 3 – Admitting that You Are Not OK: Compassion Fatigue - Helping The Helpers (helpingthehelperspodcast.com)
December 2022 Article- The Well publication page 18-19, Link: The Well of PBC - December 2022 | BeWellPBC